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Aman Brah’s Community Garage Sale 2016!

Every Summer, Riverwood residents prep their garages and gather their used items to host a garage sale or yard sale and make some extra cash! Now, most homeowners who have ever hosted a Garage Sale will tell you the hardest part is getting exposure. You may have some great items for sale but if your home doesn’t get enough traffic it won’t sell (sounds a bit like the real estate industry!) Well that’s where the Aman Brah Community Garage Sale comes in! It’s a massive garage sale in Riverwood hosted by homeowners looking to clear out some of their belongings.

Homes that want to participate RSVP to me and I create maps with the locations of homes and their full address. I take care of all the advertising for the event - which includes placing ads in newspapers, online marketing, on Social Media and on my website. Then, on the morning of the Garage Sale, I set up at Terry Fox Secondary and pass the maps on to buyers! I also put directional arrows throughout the neighbourhoods drawing people to your house.

So if you want to participate simply contact me with your address and I’ll put it on the map. The heart of a community can be measured by the involvement of its residents. So I think its awesome that Riverwood residents can unite through local events, fundraisers, and a community garage sale!

2016 Aman Brah Annual Community Garage Sale

Keep an eye out for signs throughout Riverwood on Saturday September 17th

Event Date and Time

Saturday, September 17th 2016 from 9 am - 12 pm

RSVP by September 9th

Click Aman Brah's Community Garage Sale to sign up.

Email me at: [email protected] for more information on the Aman Brah Annual Community Garage Sale!